...my child sold your honor student the answers to the test...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

News Flashes From a Caffeinated Mom!

No, I did not say heat flashes. I said News. Good lord people I'm not that old...yet.

So a few things I wanted to share with you all:

1. Today I was offered a very cool opportunity. I was asked by Carolina Parent, a news magazine for parents in North Carolina, to blog for them. So keep an eye out, I'm going to have the chance to bore people with my ramblings woot! Notice I added a little image under my childrens photos. Clicking on that should bring you to their homepage.

2. A friend of mine from back home just got in touch with me to let me know about her new blog and business that is taking off. I'm so excited for her! She is an artist and writes poetry, sometimes on people, sometimes in erotic poses. Therefore, please make sure any 8 yr old boys are not around if you decide to browse any photos... unless you want to have "The Talk". Anyways please go check it out if you're interested. You can find her blog here:

3. I am out of coffee. Not cool. Im too lazy to walk downstairs to refill my cup though.

4. I am moving! In less than 3 weeks I will be moving to Cary, to a bigger place where J can work in an office on its own floor and I dont have to worry about duct taping the kids.... err keeping them playing quietly I mean, while he is on a conference call! However this does mean my potential for blogging will ebb even more in the next upcoming weeks. Please be assured I will be back and writing all about the trials of trying to move across town with 3 kids in tow.

5. I just noticed my font changed and I don't know how to get it back to normal. Huh

6. I'm still out of coffee. But I think I'm going to change that right now. I cant think of anything else so my mind refuses to comply and allow me to think of anything else I wanted to say. So I'll be a slave to my desires now. =)


Ramblings Of A Stay At Home Mom said...

WOW! Congrats on the CP opportunity!!! That is awesome! Congrats on the hew house too. Hope you got more coffee!

Brandi said...

Awesome job, Brittany! Your rightings are very creative, even when you're being serious and blogging about the trials that come along with the smiles in the everyday life of a Mom. I think you will be an excellent addition to Carolina Parent. Your writings are exactly the kind that appeal to Mom's like I and it draws us in to following your reads because...well... you write in a true down to earth way. It lets me know I'm not the only Mom who feels like duct taping my son in one spot for a moment so I can catch my breath in between his messes. I'm not the only Mom who's perplexed by something my son has been SO comfortable & OK with for the last year and is suddenly deathly afraid of. I'm not the only Mommy who experiences the "witching hour" and all that's associated with it except my hours changed as my DS grew from an infant into a toddler and I only have one... I can't imagine having that x3! You're amazing! You're real! You write from the heart no matter how good or bad, happy or sad, exciting or dreadful the events in your life are. THAT is what makes me follow your writings, makes me proud you're a fellow Mommy, proud to say I know you and would not be afraid to one day call you a friend rather than an acquaintence. Good Luck in your new endeavor as a CP blogger! Best of Luck in your move and may your transition to your new home be smooth and painless!

SRM said...

Thanks! I really appreciate those kind words! I'm excited and hopefully others may get a chuckle or two our of my writings. I love writing about the kids and being a mom the way I see it. It's not perfect, Im not perfect, nothing ever is. But it can be, if nothing else, entertaining!.... even when Im the butt of the jokes sometimes ha!